What does it mean to be disabled and exist in a society that purposely excludes you? What are some comments or micro-aggressions disabled people encounter in their daily lives? #ShitAbledPeopleSay (pardon my French) is a hashtag that answers these questions with honesty, bluntness, care, empathy, and humor. It was a tweetstorm of epic proportions.
We need this hashtag because it exposes our truths; it gives us space to communicate and empathize with each other. We need it because it’s time folks know how pervasive ableism affects our sense of self-worth, self-love, mental health, and position in society.
You can check out the Storify below, which contains a sample of the important and much-needed discussions happening around this hashtag. I encourage everyone to read, reflect, and share. If you have something to contribute, please do – the conversation is still going strong.
Edited to add: If the slideshow below is not accessible, try visiting the Storify’s permanent link.
Ohh…….I didn’t know this was a thing. How awesome, and yet horrifying. :/
My feelings exactly!
How accessible is this Storify for people with screen readers? The question has been raised by vision impaired friends.
I think it is accessible? I tried checking, and couldn’t find anything specific from the developers – but I did find a bunch of Storifys by and for blind individuals. If it’s not accessible, please let me know and I will see who to contact.
This video is not accessible to blind people!!!
It’s not a video, but a slideshow. I will add the link to the storify just above the slideshow (which I thought was accessible). The link should take you to a page with the same content. Please let me know if it still doesn’t work. Thanks.
For me it’s more accessible than a standard Storify.
[using the keyboard and mouse].
[Standard Storify – use spacebar to navigate and at least 3 other keys.
This format Storify – arrow keys].
What is happening in slide 12?
[a break/blank slide can help].
The developers – Livefyre.
I can’t seem to fix slide 12 – a random comment popped in there, which I deleted, but the slide is still blank.